Case Study: The Diplomat Group
Use Case:
Implementation of ERP Solution for Scaling of Global Operations and Real-Time Data Visibility.
Company Synopsis:
Industry: Logistics & Distribution
Global leader in point-to-point logistics and transportation solutions provider with operations in 7 continents.
Project: Technology evaluation, transformation strategy and implementation to seamlessly integrate business functions such as sales, operations, inventory, omnichannel engagement and finances to achieve operational scalability.
Key challenges
Transforming current infrastructure that is tightly coupled with point-to-point systems.
Under utilized data causing operational inefficiencies.
Limited visibility of data across functions such as inventory, sales & finance causing excessive rebates and charge-backs.
Lack of control & security over 3rd party applications.
Need for technology infrastructure in new office location & future markets.
End-to-End implementation of customized Infor M3 ERP.
Data integration using API led connectivity providing real-time data updates.
Data flow & control over all departments and global locations providing inventory reports, customer demand forecasts and billing information.
Open ended implementation allowing for future innovation.
Data integrations provided real-time reduced charge-backs by 30%.
Ability to forecast demand in real-time, leading to 25% gain in operational productivity.
Synchronization of systems and data across 31 locations leading to over $1 million in savings.