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How Integrating Your ERP and CRM Leads to Business Growth

ERP and CRM are two essential tools for any business to manage customers, sales, and business processes. Traditionally, organizations deploy ERP and CRM separately on their domains. This means your business is dealing with two sets of data that are disparate from one another.

Integrating ERP with CRM will help you streamline your workflow and bring in many benefits. Let’s check out how ERP and CRM integration turns out to be a growth factor for businesses.

Provide Better Customer Experiences

Tying your two most essential solutions helps you access data right here and right now. Whether it’s a person from sales or billing, they can access real-time customer data 24/7.

As a result, you can improve your customer service and compete with top brands in your industry. Additionally, you can save time due to data entry automation and spend the hours to serve your customers better.

Additionally, sales reps on the ground can access the latest prices on the ERP without calling up someone. They also have the entire customer journey with all touchpoints and purchase history for a context-based service.

Understand Your Customers Better

Businesses today generate a huge volume of data. Knowing how to assimilate and analyze the data can lead to vital customer and market insights.

Additionally, you get a better perspective of your customer, who comes from varied channels today.

Unifying your ERP and CRM data can give you essential analytics for a 360-degree view of your customers. You can stay ahead of trends, capitalize on patterns, and create better products.

Naturally, that leads to business growth and a boost in revenues.

Better Data Management and Accuracy

Separate CRM and ERP mean you need to enter data twice. You also have to raise proposals in the CRM and then create a new one in your ERP. There will be countless switching between the two during the course of your customer journey.

Integrating your CRM and ERP eliminates all the juggling between the two tools. Your proposals from the CRM can automatically turn into orders in your ERP without any human intervention. Additionally, you can cut out duplicate entries and human errors from the scene.

The process also helps you improve your order and inventory management. Your marketing costs may also come down since you now understand your customer better.

Save Time and Cost

Unifying your data is an adept way to cut costs. You can automate the process and stop paying wages. Businesses can also expect lower IT and support costs as now you’re running a unified platform. On average, you can expect a 50% reduction in expenses you allocate for your disparate systems.

Additionally, you will be able to save on training your staff.

Final Thoughts

Break your silos and integrate your ERP with your CRM today. You will be able to serve customers better, boost your revenues, and get a complete picture of your market. Work with Neuswyft to unify your disparate systems and apps to unleash productivity and business growth. Contact us today to know more.

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